Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #221: City of Blood



Welcome to the "City of Blood". Let us show you around. There's the cemetery, in which the recently murdered Moira Queen has been put to rest. Across from that is City Hall, where our new Mayor, Sebastian Blood has just taken office. He promises to change this city. (I'm not sure who the masked fellows are that are hanging around) And down that street is the former home of Oliver Queen. You see, he is sad about his mother and the loss of his company to Isabel Rochev. No, she's not dead. Why do you ask. But our hero, the Arrow has plans to keep our city safe from the likes of Brother Blood and Deathstroke and their pumped up army of scary criminals. And here we arrive at our final destination. The home of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. I now turn you over to Jay and Josh. You should now listen to them and justice will be your MP3 player!