Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #310: Left Behind



Oliver may be missing in action, but the Arrow team will maintain control in Starling City, even if the green suit may be a little tight. As Diggle, Roy, and Felicity await Oliver's possible return they try to stop Danny "Brick" Brickwell from getting a gang of thugs released from prison to take over the Glades. But it is proving very difficult to replace our fallen hero, especially with the nagging doubt that he may never be coming back. All this emotional realization is causing Felicity to doubt her friends' future, and that includes Ray Palmer. But never fear, Oliver may have a friend in the background that just might be able to save the day. Good thing he's into "paying it forward". Jay and Josh are back from a long break and ready to hold down the Arrow Fort on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!