Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #417: Beacon of Hope



It's good to have friends that can be your "Beacon of Hope" in times of trouble. For example, when Brie Larvan, the Bug-Eyed Bandit gets herself released from prison and holds the Palmer Tech building hostage with a massive swarm of robotic bees, Felicity will need a little help from Oliver and his newest ally, Curtis Holt. That's Terrific news, because he's going to have to find a way to stop them so Team Arrow can buzz over to the building to save everyone. Plus, Damien Darhk makes some new friends over at the prison, and he's just pleased as 'punch'. Jay and Josh tempt your tummy with a touch of honey on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!