Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #607: Thanksgiving



"Thanksgiving" is a day that our heroes in Star City should appreciate all they have. But all that may be taken away if the FBI has anything to say about it. Oliver is arrested for being the Green Arrow, and right in front of his son, too! What can the team do to get Ollie out of this jam? Not much if they have to spend their time trying to stop Cayden James. He's had Black Siren steal things that could make a potentially devastating bomb. Somehow they'll have to stop him in time, but Diggle may be out permanently after Curtis's nanites failed to cure him of his tremors and have actually done even worse, permanent damage. So Oliver steps back in, only to find out that James is out for revenge. And he gets it when the vigilante bill passes after some manipulation from the skilled foe. At least we get one positive piece of news when Thea wakes up after months of being in a coma! Jay and Josh try to get the bigger piece of wishbone on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice