Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #611: We Fall



Sometimes "We Fall" when there seems to be no way out. Cayden James has control of all the technology in Star City. Until his demands are met, more people will die. He even has the nerve to show up in Oliver's office to demand $10 million for the death of his son! But maybe there are a few chinks in his armor. Vigilante secretly contacts Curtis's team to give them intel that helps save lives of the victims in the evil plot. But they're not sure they can trust him. Oliver manages to save his son, but the truth about his role as the hood is revealed to William. All of our heroes are on edge and suspicious. And despite the precautions they've taken to protect the citizens of Star City, their home remains under siege as Cayden James shuts it all down. Oliver has to make the tough choice to pay the cyber terrorist. Jay and Josh go full analog and record the show with two cans and a string on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast! Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!