Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #612: All For Nothing



Will everyone's determination to stop Cayden James and his siege of the city be "All For Nothing"? With Star City's money running out, the time for Oliver to stop the madman is also almost up. But Dinah's team has an ally on the inside. It looks like Vince really is trustworthy, because he's willing to get some information straight from Cayden's main computer. But the bad guys are smart and they suspect Vince is up to something. Once they capture and torture him, Dinah is off to the rescue, but that keeps her and her team from finding the bomb. With Oliver shorthanded, James gets away again, and Vince pays the ultimate price. Jay and Josh blame their empty bank accounts on Cayden James on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast! Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!