Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #613: The Devil's Greatest Trick



It's a race to save Star City from "The Devil's Greatest Trick". Now that Vince has provoked Cayden James, he promises Oliver that he will detonate his bomb and destroy Star City at midnight. Oliver desperately tries to reason with James and gives him proof that it wasn't Green Arrow that killed his son. Cayden's a smart guy and realizes that he's made a mistake, but he's going to go ahead and destroy the city anyway, unless Oliver delivers his former allies to him in order to find out who the real killer is. Our heroes even ask the second team to help them out. But Dinah's a little preoccupied with the whole vengeance against Black Siren thing. The whole city prepares for disaster and is losing hope. Except of course Quentin. He has hope that bad Laurel has a glimmer of light still left inside. She denies it, of course, even after unleashing chaos on the reunion of bad guys and getting shot by Dinah. At least Oliver stopped the bomb. But who was the real kingpin in this whole scheme? Jay and Josh prime thems