Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #722: You Have Saved This City



Green Arrow, "You Have Saved This City"! After Emiko has everything she needs to cause mass destruction and death, Oliver Queen and his team have only a little bit of time to stop her, even if the city has turned against him. Luckily he has a little extra help when Ben Turner, Curtis, and Laurel volunteer to give them a hand. And Oliver is determined to get through to Emiko to end his family's cycle of violence and repent to be the hero that's inside of her. With the skill that they've spent years refining, they manage to stop the Ninth Circle's destructive plan. Pus, brother and face off in a do or die situation. Finally Oliver begins to convince his angry sibling that her future can be different, but her dastardly organization has other plans. And in the end, it's Emiko that pays the price. The whole experience has shown Oliver that it's time to hang up the hood, and he retires peacefully with Felicity to raise their daughter. But the universe has other plans for our hero. Jay and Josh prepare for emotional