Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

Ep.45 - Reaching Beyond with Lou Vickery



    In this episode, Jason Will sits down and talks with heavy hitter Lou Vickery and his insights on the training, mindset, and what it takes to become the pro salesperson you want to become. Lou is a former professional baseball player and coach. After his sports career, he moved into training and development contract work for national organizations and companies. In his 30 year second career Lou has worked with over 2,800 companies in 44 states and two foreign countries. When not on the radio as a talk show he has written over 12 books, including his newest book, Reach Beyond: How to Jump Over Hurdles and Land on Success. Get your notebooks out and start taking notes, Lou is throwing some heat in this episode, and you do not want to swing and miss this one.     Key Takeaways:   1. Seek positivity and protect yourselves from negativity. 2. Be organized and highly prepared. 3. Be willing to take a risk. Ask for the sell. 4. Avoid the rut of your job, develop controlled excitement. 5. Learn from failure, don