Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

No Excuses with Cynthia Hughes



On this episode, Jason talks with a new JPAR Agent and natural-born leader Cynthia Hughes. Cynthia is an authentic, candid, and warm person and a successful real estate agent focused on productivity and serving others. Plus, she is a brain injury survivor who is new to real estate after rehabbing and retraining her brain to do simple math and tasks. Cynthia is a true inspiration and a role model for any real estate agent or anyone in business, management, and sales. Heck, let's just say she is one of those great humans we should all should try to be more like. Cynthia's secrets to happiness and success; be yourself, always be positive, focus on helping others, let things go, and learn the difference between busyness and productivity.   Key Takeaways - Use your words only for good and positivity. - Do the business the way you do your business. Don't let others dictate your business style and ethics. - Stay focused on being a productive and effective real estate agent, not a busy agent. - Cynthia's measure of