Sex, Money & Food

090: Expanding Your Capacity For Self-Love with Alexandra Harbushka


Synopsis Leave a review: PSST.  I will be reading your reviews in an upcoming episode so if you have any questions ask away :-)     Welcome to episode 90 of The Sex, Money and Food podcast! Today I’m talking with you about a favorite topic of mine: self-love and love in general.   On this episode of the Sex, Money, and Food Podcast, we dig into the history of love and ponder why there is only one word for love in the English language, yet there are so many uses for it! And I also share with you ways to bring more love into you life, and why doing so plays a crucial role in finding true love with a partner.   More About This Show   Have you ever considered how many variations there are of love in our lives? There is romantic love of course, but also the love we feel for our family members, our pets, our favorite foods and our favorite activities. We love so many things and in different ways and use the same word for all of them!   Even though there are so m