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EEC 157: De-Stress for Success with Hilda Labrada Gore



Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC interviews Hilda Gore, a voice for healthy living. Hilda shares her insight on how to reduce stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle while living your best life as she discusses the following questions. People are so stressed right now. What are some simple recommendations you might give them to de-stress? How have you learned so much about ancestral health ways? What got you into podcasting? What tips do you have to share for those who want to start a show? Your podcast regularly appears in the top 200 of alternative health podcasts, what secrets from your success can you share? Who is Hilda Labrada Gore? Hilda Labrada Gore is the host and producer of the Wise Traditions and Tradiciones Sabias podcasts. A certified health coach, she has traveled the world exploring traditional practices for optimal well-being. Hilda shares the best of experts, experiences, and epic adventures on the podcasts, her Holistic Hilda YouTube channel, and on ancestral health tours that she leads. Hilda is