There Will Be Geek

Episode 5 - Video Game Movie Adaptations



Once again, our three intrepid podcastranauts plunge headlong into the inky depths of Video Game Movie Adaptations - where it all stared, which ones work or don't work and why, what the future holds and much more. Plus Cav reviews Warcraft, the latest attempt at getting these Crossovers right. Chani expounds and explodes in a gooey mess all over Super Mario Bros. Cav gets forensic on the reasons behind the success or otherwise of various attempts made over the past fifteen years, and Mike tries to look clever by asking what he thinks are intelligent question, while possibly missing the point and farting on for too long.   Plus there's our regular Thimble Of Win, and we discuss the unholy nonsense that is Uwe Boll's career.   Enjoy, you filthy little harlots.