There Will Be Geek

Episode 20 - Trainspotting: Then & Now



Choose Geek. Choose a hobby. Choose a comic book shop. Choose a nerd family. Choose a flat screen television with Netflix, choose a console, gaming machines, Spotify and sonic screwdrivers. Choose questionable health, pizza and insurance for your collection of collectibles. Choose Lootcrate payments. Choose a share-house. Choose your guild. Choose cutesy t-shirts with fucking unicorns impaling people. Chose a gaming chair covered in retro Nintendo controller cushions. Choose cosplay and LARP, wandering around DIY stores looking for supplies on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting in that gaming chair, arguing with twelve-year-olds in Idaho about being a fucking camper. Choose feeling bemused on the third day of the convention, unsure about which panels you’ve been to and whether your kid’s anime/Star Wars crossover costume is going to work or not. Choose you future. Choose Geek.   This week is all about Trainspotting. We look into the origins of the 1996 film, discussing the works of Irvine Welsh, and what we're