Mindset Academy

How Are My Experiences Serving Me? | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands aim to be your guidance for you to learn to love yourself, each other, the journey, and how to spread more love on the planet! Keeping with the monthly theme, “Your way is not the only way,” this amazing talk begins questioning how different perspectives affect the interpretation of the reality that you are living; can you go through life seeing different perspectives? Yes, you can! Perspectives can lead your emotional responses and your belief system. Questioning your perspective might be the key to more awareness. If your way is the only way, then no one else exists, if you shift your perspective, and realize that your way is not the only way, then everyone serves you in some way, and you start focusing in on what you can learn from them. Jan explores the concept of, “Limited perception of reality,” or believing that one perspective makes the whole truth. There is what happens (reality), and there are assumptions, interpretations, feelings and choices that follow. Assumptions are made w