Mindset Academy

Are You in Control? Do you need to be in Control? | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands lead you into the final week of “Your Way is not the only way.” Their purpose is to spread love on the planet by recognizing people's uniqueness, and this week the topic Monika and Jan are diving into is “Control.” Control is usually related to desire, but things do not always turn out the way you want. What is the most desirable outcome? How can we surrender?  What does Control mean to you? How do you judge something? Sometimes you consider an experience to be the worst, and then time shows you that the experience had a meaning to you, and turned out to be just perfect for you. The miracle of life is really to understand that the way we see things is only a minimum expression of the plan that is set for us; by letting go, we are surrendering to the universe’s flow. Where are you controlling? When do you think the “control” is needed? Love is usually behind the control, but it might not be the best way to achieve what you want. That “should,” that you project on others around you, and how