Mindset Academy

Your Perspective is Your Reality | Mindset Academy



Jan and Monika have been discussing topics every month, and this month the theme is “Your Perspective is your reality.” The mission of Monika is for people to know they are loved and loving, at least for a moment in their lifetime. There is nothing you need to be doing in order to deserve love. Our natural way of being is loving; violence and hate come from a disconnection from our true  way of being. You can find a gift in everything, everyone that interacts with you is providing you the opportunity of learning, you are also a gift for everyone that is interacting with you. It is not up to you how the world receives what you give, it is “how” you give it what matters. - First: Just be aware that you are operating in this life with a perspective. You are wearing “glasses”; everything is being tinted by your perspective. - Second: What is your perspective? You have many perspectives for different things and situations. It can change, and you created them. - Third: Lots of perspectives can serve you at one time