Mindset Academy

You are not a Victim. You Choose Your Perspective | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands start this session by commenting on a powerful message they received from KHAN academy, a website for children that offers free educational resources. It commented about the concept of Intelligence as building a muscle, and how it grows not by doing repetitive easy tasks but rather embracing challenges in which we can fail. In this passage it was stated that there are two possible mindsets: Fixed (concentrate in tasks that have high chances of success) and Growth (take challenges and assume risks). The process is the most important for growing, so pricing the process is to reinforce the effort instead of the result.Your brain grows in the process orientation rather than in the search/reach of the outcome or goals. Jan and Monika come back to the monthly topic of  “Your perspective is your reality.”  Things are the way they are, but we can shift how we can perceive them and how we relate to those events. The First thing is to have an awareness that you have your own perspective. Perception