Mindset Academy

Love Comes From Within | Mindset Academy



Lesson of the episode: Following a Love Manifesto to Amplify Love. Monika and Jan Zands have the purpose of spreading love in this planet. During this month they have been talking about love. They invite you to think along with them on how are you spreading love in the world. Which are the ways you are actually spreading love? What stops loving is the way we have to judge the way we are going to spread it. Love comes from who you think you are for others. This is your important way of being in the planet in relationship to others. Love is from within. The judgement of whether one is good enough or not opens the door and we enter the world of assumptions and expectations. Pure love is the condition of loving, and then there is a different love, the one that is looking for a sort of compensation for that loving, and this is when you can be disappointed or hurt,  when the outcome was not was expected. If the condition to love on the planet is self-love then we are in trouble — since we do not always feel that we