Mindset Academy

Connecting to Love! | Mindset Academy



Replace judgement and self-criticism with gratefulness and love. Monika and Jan Zands talk about connecting with love and creating a loving context. In this context, which is your personal “loving bubble,” you can love yourself and each other. The more love we can share and produce, the more we can live with others by bonding through loving connections. Loving the moment and loving the journey, loving every moment along the way. We often take for granted our blessings; if we could connect to what we have, we would enjoy more and be grateful. Monika explains the concept of “spiritual bypass,” with the difference between denial of our negative thoughts to making a real shift in our perspective. Don’t skip the voices in your head, because there is where healing is possible. Try to exercise the connection with what is real now, the abilities, people, things, and moments you can enjoy at this very moment, without criticism and self-deprivation; this negativity is not a vehicle to make us closer to our goals, it ju