Mindset Academy

Your Perspective is One of Many | Mindset Academy



This episode Jan Zands guides us into the Topic of the month, which is “You are not alone,” analyzing our perspectives and realizing that our way is not the only way. Jan’s purpose is to help us bust the myth of thinking that at the end of the day everything is on our shoulders, and we are all by ourselves. In reality, every breath we take is proof that we cannot do it all by ourselves — air is there, helping us survive each breath at a time. There is a strange relationship that we have with “Asking for help” — prejudgements about considering it as a negative thing, “I should know,” or “I am weak” — all this criticism comes to our minds. What is stopping you from asking for help is the same thought that is stopping you in other areas in your life. Where is that thought coming from? Practice with Jan: 1. Think of an area in your life that is not giving you the result you expect. 2. Who would you ask for help? Is there any pattern in your behavior? 3. Ask for information, even when you fear the content is not w