Mindset Academy

What’s Stopping You From Meeting Your Greatness? | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands talk about what is stopping us from meeting our greatness. There are many thoughts that are “slaving” us, they prevent us from being our greater selves. We are slaves of our own ideas, when something goes wrong, or just different from what we were expecting, we tend to sabotage our plans and wishes. We can’t carry on if we do not question our “slavement,” questioning the conceptions and beliefs that are behind this slavement. It is our internal dialogue that is stopping us from finding the solutions. The very first step is awareness. Only by becoming aware something shifts. First become aware of the thought that is stopping you, and which feeling comes with that thought, going from mental plane to an emotional one. When were times in the past that you had those feelings? Can you find the pattern? These feelings will repeat over and over again until they are released. Practice with Monika, Jan, and the audience; go through the journey to discover what is preventing you from reaching you