Mindset Academy

What Feeling ‘Not Great’ Can Show You | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands invite you to explore different perspectives over the experiences you are living, through Mindset Academy. Sometimes you think you are not great yet. Feeling that you are almost there, but it feels like not enough. You are great! You don't need a reason to be great, the miracle of life is already stating that your essence is greatness. Undo whatever you believed you need to achieve in order to be great, since the fact that you exist on this planet is the proof of your greatness. Feeling great does not mean you are perfect, or that you don’t need to learn anything, but that you are already ready. In our world, we tend to think that we are either great or not great; realize that whether you have a good or a bad day you are still great, since your “not so good” days are necessary for you to become aware of what makes your “great days” what they are. Then “No Great” becomes a solution finder instead of a reason for procrastination. We exist in different realms: physical, emotional, mental and