Mindset Academy

Paying It Forward | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands present today’s session at Mindset Academy. How you perceive your reality is creating it for you, your Mindset is everything! We usually make assumptions after others’ behaviors, that cause feelings and thoughts, and afterwards we make choices in response to those assumptions. Become aware of the distance between what really happened to the assumptions we made. Our way is not the only way! Probably people’s behavior do not match with our assumptions. Why don't you start with love? People usually show up the way we need them to appear, in order to learn something from them. People change because you change; it depends on how you present yourself that others will come at you. People change! We are continuously changing from a physical aspect to our perspective, the circumstances that we are in modify how we act. Monika’s signature phrase is: “See your greatness, be your greatness, and pay it forward.” Pay something forward from your life experiences and help others from what you learn. It m