Mindset Academy

Being Present in This Moment | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands lead you to a journey of self-help and awareness to set your mindset the right way, to get ready for what life will present to you. This month it is all about being here now, connected with the present situation. Moment by moment we have an opportunity to create a new reality. Ask yourself: Who am I right now and what does that “me” need? Create the experience of the presence for you now, by not being in the present moment but looking into the moments of presence. Anytime you declare that something is a certain way, you are creating in a fixed mindset. Leveling people, or even yourself, comes from a fixed mindset. Having a growth mindset creates a space to consider each moment an opportunity to make different choices. As a species, we have a mentality where we are constantly wanting to progress. We have this need of growing, but the upset comes when we look at the present, wishing that it was different. Where do we get the idea that the present’s supposed to be different than the way that