Mindset Academy

Letting Go of the Emotional Backpack | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan Zands lead Mindset Academy, a weekly meeting where you can raise your awareness, experience more joy, and spread more love on the planet. This episode was recorded on Mother’s Day; Monika talks about how every holiday is an opportunity to celebrate a spiritual cycle, the energy level in these special days allows to give back the love and share this energy with the ones you can reach. To express to people around us who they are, under our perspective, is a great gift that can change a life. It costs nothing and gives the greatest feeling of appreciation and acknowledgement. We often don’t know how other people see us, and hearing this is a transforming experience. Practice: Tell someone today how you see them; take this as a task to spread love. There is also a powerful way to do this to yourself; using affirmations and self-acknowledgement is a way to achieve this, celebrating where you are right now! Affirmations can be called different ways; the goal is to reach what you say to yourself on a