Mindset Academy

Discover Your Inner Voices | Mindset Academy



Monika and Jan welcome you to Mindset Academy! Today the session is all about “working,” starting with a guided visualization and then a discussion. Guided visualization is to go inside yourself, where all the answers are, find your inner voice, and trust the process. Follow Monika’s directions to this guided visualization. You will find your inner voices: the ones that judge you and are critical; the ones that are loving and supporting. You will  discover what makes you unique. Ask yourself: What do you want to accomplish? What is your goal? What would be the outcome of achieving this goal? What are three action steps that you could take towards achieving that goal? The critical voices in your head are the ones that STOP you, in many aspects of your life. The loving voices are the ones that INSPIRE and MOTIVATE you, this represents the connection to your authentic self. You are great and unique; discover your strength and potential to really unfold your “super-power,” and share it with the world.   Resources