Behind The Mirror

Letting go of everyone’s approval – tools to handle rejection



Did you know there are 3 groups we are constantly trying to win approval from? Yep. They are the same for all of us: family, friends and our tribe/society. We do everything in our power to gain their approval and keep our status inside each of those groups set. But, if you tend to be a  follower of a still, small voice inside, eventually you will encounter a tension brewing between following that inner voice and pleasing your groups. When faced with speaking your truth from that inner knowing or making a decision that poses potential rejection, anxiety and sleepless nights are ready companions. As one who has bucked the status quo most of my life, I SO GET IT. I offer 3 steps that I live by when faced with potential rejection that will bring relief, courage and much needed peace. And, should you find yourself braving the unknown as you speak your truth or follow a decision that is sure to reap rejection from your family, friends or tribe, I've got you covered. I offer 4 bonus tools that will empower you as y