Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

The Abraham Accords: John Haller's Prophecy Update



While there are numerous events that have occurred during the past week that have prophetic significance, there is one that stands out from the confusion as key.  There is the potential that the agreement between the United Arab Emirates and the Nation of Israel may be the modern "Archduke of Ferdinand" moment that could trigger a series of clashes predicted in Scripture between Israel and her allies.  John explains in great detail the significance and the potential impact of this agreement in this week's update entitled "The Abraham Accords."James Younger’s mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, will now be able to enroll the eight-year-old in school as a “girl” named “Luna” and subject him to transgender medical procedures. (Luna?! Come on...)Extreme Weather Events in the Mid West could put Food Supplies at Risk.  Thousands of acres of corn in the Midwest have been damaged or destroyed by that powerful #DerechoBLM Chicago, Riots & Looting now claimed as "Reparations" by a leader.