Mummy Jojo

Episode 115 - Faith, Acceptance and Love through the good and bad with Marie Claire Donnelly and Jojo Fraser



Jump into the mojo den and feel ligher.  This week we are talking all things wellness, including faith, acceptance, love and hope in difficult times.  Marie Claire is the author of It Is What It Is, which details the many valuable lessons she leant during lockdown. Lessons of acceptance, forgiveness, love and hope. It is about her toolkit which she has accumulated over the last 20 years of studying personal development and how this toolkit helped her navigate the storm. It is also about her deep faith in God and how this faith has helped her overcome so much.  She is the creator of Dream Magic Superfood Powders, a Quantum Energy Coach and runs Dream Fitness with her sister Joanna. She is super passionate about all things related to improving Health, Fitness and Mental Wellbeing and loves helping her clients to look and feel their best - mentally and physically. Order her book here  Connect with her on Instagram or at her website Jojo Fraser is an award-winning author, podcaster and keynote