
Tarot Card Reader Robbie Ann McPherson 03-04-2014



Today we welcome Co-Host Robbie Ann’s twenty years of journalism and public relations experience has taken her through corporate communications, television reporting, media relations, teaching public speaking, writing, editing, broadcasting production, crisis communication and developing public relations strategy. Her personal life experiences have led her through many trials and tribulations, and she credits her sense of spirituality with surviving her parents ugly divorce, a difficult adolescence, and the suicide of her teenaged brother and loss of all four of her grandparents within a five year period in her early twenties. Robbie Ann’s Tarot readings are often focused on navigating the emotional challenges and crossroads moments in life, and making decisions from a point of strength. She is careful to acknowledge that she is not a professional psychotherapist, and does not dispense medical or mental health advice; she is a big proponent of professional therapy from a qualified provider as a healing too