Be The Evidence

Episode 3: Exposing the sacred self + tuning into the third (intuitively conscious voice)



Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we explore the astrology and the energies in the collective at the moment. We are discussing being vulnerable as you expose yourself, tuning in and learning how to lean into the intuitively guided voice, leaping into the unknown, the eclipse season and how do you honor yourself. How are we receiving one another's stories while instinctively learning how to receive ourselves, others and our deep (and sometimes hidden intuitive voices)? We also discuss the ways in which we are being asked to step up, reclaim ourselves, change the systems that are based upon oppression and the role of privilege all the while cultivating the ways in which we listen to our deeper knownings. >>> About the Hosts <<< Susan Grace Aubrey Notes If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us. A