Be The Evidence

Episode 11: Taking sweet care of ourselves in the ocean of not knowing



Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss moving through the other side of the eclipses. The ways in which we talk to our selves, speaking to ourselves as if we are our own best friends is explored as a means to approach deep and meaningful care while we are tired. We discuss the exhaustion and burn out that can go along with being in this many retrogrades and not clear about our purposes. We talk about how to cultivate knowing how awesome you are while also fully aware of the sensitivity and lack of clarity that is currently permeating our lives. About the Hosts Susan Grace Aubrey Notes If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you! Also if you are interested in additional offerings: If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >&g