Be The Evidence

Episode 27: Moon in Cancer + Opening up, Intensity, Finding Beauty



Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we explore the intensity being felt amongst the collective. We also talk about Chiron and Pisces and the achey feeling that is arising. We speak about how there is a tangible feeling that we can no longer be silent about what is wrong, that we are being very clearly requested to speak and stand up. We talk about the moon in cancer; asking and receiving care without looting from others. We finish the conversation by discussing the warmth of care we give and receive as we move forward in the energies of needing to open up. About the Hosts Susan Grace Aubrey Notes If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you! Also if you are interested in additional offerings: If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at &g