Paperless Productivity

Episode 041: Revived by the Component Model: The Heart of Court Administration - Part 2



Picking up from Part I of our component model conversation with Kevin Bowling, current Chair of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Global Advisory Committee, we’re talking through the court’s biggest challenge post-pandemic: an urgent need for trusted court technology, and scarce funding.   Join us as we journey with Kevin through the court manager’s gold-mine resource, – the Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute, or IJIS, – how the component model fits into your goals and your budget, and other creative workarounds for funding.   Resources from the podcast are included below:  IJIS (Integrated Justice Information Systems) Institute - The IJIS Institute is a nonprofit alliance working to promote and enable technology in the public sector and expand the use of information to maximize safety, efficiency, and productivity.  The IJISCourts Advisory Committee developed a Provider Directory that includes vendors for the court components -   CA Court Stack - a practical applica