Original Strength

OS- Blog Talk - 5.29.18 How to Become ep 3



Today Tim is on the podcast discussing our weekly blog. This week it was all about 'How to Become..." Have you ever wanted something so bad and worked very hard to get it only to be frustrated or irritated or dejected when you didn’t get, or couldn’t get what you wanted? Let me be more specific. Have you ever wanted to move a certain way, look a certain way, feel a certain way, or be a certain way? In pursuit of that “way” did spend a great deal of effort or collect a great deal of ‘knowledge” and still come up short? This can be very frustrating and it can cause a great deal of suffering. Today Tim's sharing a simple solution to help you from coming up short and how to truly become whatever it is you are looking for. We'll be discussing releasing our weekly blog each Tuesday here. Read the blog here - https://originalstrength.net/2018/05/27/how-to-become-_______________/