Everyday Mindfulness Show

128 Discover Your Sacred Soul Agreement with Stef Swink



Embrace Possibility, Claim Your Freedom, Love Your Life! In this episode, Holly talks with Steph Swink, a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner with the Center for Spiritual Living since 1999. Stef holds space for her clients and helps them deepen their own practice through standing in light and truth.   Stef creates a space of Divine Love and support for those who come to her for spiritual wisdom. She says that the most important thing for her is to get herself out of the way so that truth can come through.  Holly and Stef discuss her time ghost writing for Louise Hay and how her own advice column, “Ask Stef” came to be. It is published monthly in Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind Magazine. Her best advice is, "To step away from the many spinning plates and stop for just a moment and let the wisdom come through."  You might consider the following: Why think about the leap of going to an intensive retreat? It is the opportunity of stepping away from the every day responsibilities to give yourself the gift