The Restless Creative

The Top 5 Mistakes I've Made in My 23-year-old Life (still counting)



Today, by popular demand, I’m going to be talking about my top five biggest mistakes. Before you go thinking I’m being hard on myself. Just keep in mind I have a pretty dark sense of humor and I like poking fun at myself. It’s how I grow and move on from all the stupid shit I’ve done. Some of my biggest mistakes are finance related, some are relationship related, lifestyle, and car-related because I have to have a category for that. If you’re at a stage in your life where you’re not sure you’re making the right decisions or you feel like you keep fucking up. I’ve got great news. I feel like I have my shit together pretty well and you’re about to hear a lot of unbecoming stories about myself that have all happened in the last 6-7 years.   My top five mistakes I've made in my 23-year-old life: 5. The time I did a hit and run (long time ago plz don’t judge). 4. Having a boyfriend my freshmen year of college. 3. The time I parked in a private parking garage and got my car trapped while working for favor. 2. Going