Everyday Mindfulness Show

079 Mindfulness is NOT Rocket Science with Ravi Tangri & Holly Duckworth



Join Holly for a conversation with Ravi Tangri, CSP, MSc, MBA for the co-host with her on Presence How to Live & Lead Consciously.  Ravi shares one easy technique to quiet your mind.    Ravi Tangri is the Chief Rocket Scientist for Chrysalis Strategies and the author of ‘Leading Authentically’ and 'StressCosts Stress-Cures'. Whether he is growing co-creative leadership to transform the health care system, helping the largest liquid natural gas company in the Middle East grow its leadership or helping entrepreneurs develop strategies to address today’s fast-changing world, Ravi helps leaders navigate the complex challenges they face today.   The secret to working in complex and chaotic environments is not to get lost in the complexity, but rather to find the simple, often-hidden leverage points that, with very little effort transform the whole system. Ravi mastered this skill in working with complex and chaotic systems in his first career as a nuclear physicist and has used this ‘lens’ to help leaders navi