Everyday Mindfulness Show

074 Tracy Maxwell on Surviving and Mindfulness



Join Mike Domitrz and Tracy Maxwell discussing surviving reoccurring cancer and mindfulness. Plus, Tracy's work with preventing hazing. Tracy Maxwell BIO: One thing that is true of Tracy across all of her varied work and volunteer endeavors over the past twenty-five years is that she sees and values people (and organizations) for who they really are, and is committed to helping them reach their highest potential. She is authentic and straightforward in her communication, and she absolutely embodies the qualities of challenge and support. You can guarantee that she sees what you are capable of, and doesn’t hesitate to hold you accountable to that, while nurturing, guiding and supporting you every step of the way. Tracy is a starter. She sees vacuums that need to be filled and she fills them. From launching a student-led service organization on a campus, to creating a successful new department at CAMPUSPEAK, to serving on the committee that created a large new programming initiative for her international sorori