Everyday Mindfulness Show

039: Living Minimally — Do You?



Living minimally - the struggle is real! When you think of "living minimally" do you think of stuff, of clutter, of material things or is it more spiritual? Why is it hard to let go of our "things", do they define us? Do they represent the story we want to tell to the world? If a fire laid waste to all of our possessions, how likely would we be to buy each one again? Host, Mike Domitrz, along with CAST members Maria Janowiak, Megan Merchant, and Berni Xiong describe their own personal experiences and failures with minimalism, the difference between purposefully downsizing and a forced circumstance, and valuable resources they use on their journey to be intentional. The quote that inspired this conversation is “Live minimally and thus live more free.” — Timber Hawkeye from Buddhist Boot camp.   Subscribe to the Everyday Mindfulness Show.    Key Takeaways:    [2:02] Mike reads a quote and asks the CAST what living minimally means to them.  [8:45] Achieving minimalism by way of a vision.  [14