Is It Better Than Jurassic Park?

Is Good Will Hunting Better Than Jurassic Park? (feat. Johnny Wahl)



Before you ask, YES this episode has the prerequisite number of terrible Boston accents. Is it too many? That's on you to decide, you Harvard egghead. Last episode ended in a cliffhanger! Did Scott fire James as cohost? Yes. Yes he did. So new cohost Johnny Wahl is sitting in and a special guest (you'll never guess who) brings in Good Will Hunting for us to consider. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: the reasons George Lucas did the prequels, human testicles, and whether or not you do indeed like those apples. And what's the meaning of the phrase "Unmoistened Frigid Russian Winter?" Your dumb books aren't going to tell you. You have to experience this podcast for yourself or whatever. Also Matt Damon stole my line when he asked Is Good Will Hunting better than Jurassic Park? OK Bye.