Negotiate Anything: Negotiation | Persuasion | Influence | Sales | Leadership | Conflict Management

Jean M. Lawler: How Humor Can Make or Break Your Negotiation



Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company In this engaging episode of "Negotiate Anything," host Kwame Christian welcomes Jean M. Lawler, an experienced commercial and insurance mediator, to share her insights on realistic deals and creative solutions in conflict resolution. Jean delves into her typical day handling litigation cases, the importance of distinguishing between wants and needs in mediation, and the power of empathy and creativity in negotiations. The conversation highlights the benefits of pre-mediation preparation and the use of bracketing strategies to set reasonable negotiation ranges. This episode is packed with invaluable mediation and negotiation tips that can enhance your conflict resolution skills. What will be covered: Jean M. Lawler's professional journey from practicing lawyer to full-time mediator. The daily responsibilities and challenges in handling litigation and pre-suit cases. Strategies like pre-mediation preparation and bracketing to facilitate smoother negotiations.