Holistic, Happy & Healthy Podcast

Courage vs Confidence



My mastermind partner and very dear friend, Elizabeth Beeds, joins me for this episode where we talk about the difference between having COURAGE vs CONFIDENCE. Both of us have been entrepreneurs for years and many people believe that we are simply oozing with confidence in order to show up in the way that we do. But in this episode, we break down how it requires true COURAGE to show up AUTHENTICALLY in every aspect of your life.   Elizabeth Beeds is the Founder of Interior Wellness Magazine & Interior Wellness Festival and Conference. She is a fabulous soul sister of mine and I am honoured to share the microphone with her for this episode.  www.interiorwellness.com   For more about Holistic Health Coaching with Deanna, visit www.vitalitypure.com To join our Soulful Sisterhood, visit www.soulfulsisterhood.com