Holistic, Happy & Healthy Podcast

Living Your Passion



In this episode I walk you through why most people's entrepreneurial dreams flop in their face, whether it be a new network marketing opportunity or a brand new passion project.  I get quite intimate with you, sharing the challenges I've faced with staying true to my mission these past two years, and even make a pretty hefty declaration of what my future will look like...so you can hold me accountable!! I also ask for you to leave me a comment. I know you're listening, I know you're loving it, but tell me why. How are these episodes impacting your life? Why do you keep listening? What do you want more of? Please share your thoughts & experiences with me...it would mean so much!! As always, this episode is brought to you by the global movement; Soulful Sisterhood. Come find your tribe and raise your vibe with a community of kick-ass women serving this world by healing themselves; www.soulfulsisterhood.com