Holistic, Happy & Healthy Podcast

Teachings from Vipassana



"Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient meditation techniques. It is a process of self-purification by self-observation." An old friend of mine did his first 10 day retreat with very little mediation practice beforehand and this episode is all about his experience. You may be quite surprised by the stories Jordan shares and his experience of meditating in complete silence and isolation for 10.5 hours a day, 10 days straight Click here for more on this type of meditation and the centre he attended in Merritt, BC; http://www.surabhi.dhamma.org/  This episode is brought to by the Soul Purpose Program. This program allows individuals to deeply connect their soul's wisdom to their mental body, allowing one to live out their Soul's Purpose every single day. http://vitalitypure.com/soulpurposeprogramaccelerated/