The Too Busy To Eat Show

19: Michael Lares on improving sleep and overcoming migraines



Michael Lares is a former U.S. Navy Diver, a lover of the outdoors, and is an expert in sleeping. After a tragic accident and years of suffering from painful migraines, Michael needed sleep. He found guidance and direction from Dr. Bart Flick. Michael and Dr. Flick worked together to create the Somniresonance Delta Sleeper; a device that helps finds the brain’s natural sleeping pattern. Michael resides in British Columbia with his wife and two children and his work continues to help others. Michael’s Background…3:45 - Michael stumbled across the sleeping technology due to a tragic accident. In 2005 after his wife gave birth, she went to use the restroom and fell face first onto the floor. Two years after the accident, they were still trying to help get her health back to normal. He and his wife tried all sorts of different medicine until one doctor they encountered, Dr. Solomon, changed everything for them. She helped his wife tremendously but also helped Michael with his migraines by connecting him with Dr.