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EEC 355: Leadership Coaching with the Brain in Mind for Executives, with Scott Halford



Why do the most high-achieving leaders of the 21st century happen to be those who understand their own biology? Your host, Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC, interviews Scott Halford and seeks an answer to this question. Halford’s book, Activate Your Brain, focuses on the unique value of willpower. Is it something you either have or you don’t? Is it a muscle that can be trained? How is willpower linked to impulse control? Is distraction a major stumbling block for many executives? How does one coach around it to overcome resistance? Scott Halford Scott Halford is a writer and long-time educator of businesspeople worldwide. He focuses on brain-based behavioral science, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and influence. In 2014, Scott was inducted into the National Speakers Speaker Hall of Fame. He has been the “Brainy Business” columnist for Entrepreneur.com, and blogs for Huffington Post.  Scott is the author of Activate Your Brain (2015) a Wall Street Journal best-selling book, and Be a Shortcut – The Secret