Pursue Your Spark

#190 Aging Strong: Pilates for Better Bone Health in Women 50+



May is National Osteoporosis Month, and it's a great reminder of how crucial it is for women over 50 to prioritize bone health. Osteoporosis, a condition more common in women, weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures, often without any symptoms. In this episode, we dive deep into the causal factors of Osteoporosis and what we can do to stay strong! Osteoporosis can lead to loss of height, severe back pain, changes in posture, and even permanent disability. Often referred to as the "silent killer," osteoporosis can progress silently without any symptoms. Certain risk factors for osteoporosis are beyond our control, such as gender, age, body size, ethnicity, and family history. But there's good news! Lifestyle changes can make a significant difference. Incorporating proper nutrition is crucial for overall health, including bone health. Limiting sodium, moderating caffeine and alcohol consumption, reducing soda intake, and balancing animal and plant-based proteins are important dietary considerations. E