Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S01 - The Exalted Status Of The Believing Women



The Exalted Status of the Believing Women O Allah SWT forgive such women of my Ummah who are properly dressed (Baihaq). The Angels say, Glorified be Allah SWT who beautified men with beards and women with hair locks (Haakim). A woman who obeys her husband, discharges her obligation towards him.... would then attain a rank next only to that of a martyr (Tabarani). The best Sadaqah is to spend your wealth on your daughter who has returned [widowed or divorced] (Ibn Majah). If a daughter is born in the dwelling of a person and the father does not distress her, nor considers her an ill-fortune, nor does he prefer the son to the daughter, then Allah SWT will make that person enter Paradise (Haakim). The Angels take the baby girl under the shade of their wings, stroke her head & supplicate for her....  (Sa'eed ibn Manssor).